
Tuesday 21 June 2016

Truckmaster made by Redline Engineering corrupt, greedy thieves and Joe Borg - NEW BOOK REVEALS ALL

Ken Thomas of Redline Engineering and Thief of General Pneumatics IP & Joe Borg Masterclass Cheat & Business Double Crosser


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


To: Ken, Eddie Thomas, Joe Borg, Lisa and Ken Stuart...
Subject: Shame on ALL of You...but it's coming back to bite YOU

Ken Thomas, you may have noticed by now, yourself, your crooked Dad, two-faced Joe Borg and your associated businesses (Redline Engineering, General Pneumatics and GP TruckParts) Products (Truckmaster Air Filter & Drain Valves) and IP (all related inventions, copyright material, art, designs...) have been the focus of increased monitoring activity, communication and scrutiny of 
IngenioCorp's 'Global Inventive Justice & Business Ethics campaign'

In our mission to create IP theft and Deception Awareness on an international, national, statewide, community and local level - we first seek extraordinary true stories supported by fact, history, and released to us in manuscripts ready for publishing. Your story is truly extraordinary indeed. WE love it. 

Ken, you, your thieving dad and Joe Borg must well remember that fateful moment frozen in time, where you consciously disregarded good ethical standards, honesty, honour and good moral behaviour - an error you didn't know would end up haunting you for the rest of your living days - and decided to 'pull the trigger' and execute your dishonest, unconscionable and fraudulent Truckmaster patent, and associated business and marketing model ambush - on Mario Ragusa, the true inventor and developer of all products that you now control, make and sell.

Well, you must agree, one must be extremely stupid, very naive, or just plain dumb to believe when you defraud a highly intelligent individual, inventor, innovator, developer and polymath. 

"that it wouldn't eventually come back to bite 'big time' at some stage of one's miserable lives"

Ken, Eddie Thomas and Joe Borg of the SHAM General Pneumatics Unit Trust we know your despicable behavioural profiles. We understand insatiable greed and total control of an invaluable IP business was a determinant factor for your contempt and disregard of the law, and your willingness to commit major fraud and money laundering to get it in your stable. 

However, it is your malicious dishonesty and complicity to IP and business injustices that are most disturbing. You had the cunning, opportunity, and means to defraud the inventor of all products you market, promote, manufacture and sell. 

Redline Engineering was on it's knees at the time but nothing can justify your actions of Theft, Deception and Fraud. 

"There is always a defining moment in history... and you crossed it long ago" 


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


In doing so Ken, your evil crooked father and dishonest two-faced co-conspirator in Joe Borg will surely become business villain anti-heroes in a revealing new book which will be mass marketed and officially launched in Melbourne. Multiple copies will be sent to ALL your customers to provide an insight into your maliciousness, and we are confident it will also be selected as obligatory syllabus reading material for all IP, law, commerce, accounting and business students everywhere.

There's plenty on Google, blogger and cyberspace about your tainted character, corrupt business conduct and unconscionable morals - with no integrity and a ugly dishonest culture and past. 

No doubt your Dad taught you that type of ugly unbecoming, false and deceptful conduct Ken, but we promise to beat that mentality out of your fucking system. 

Additionally, we are compelled to notify you,  an IP Theft & Deception book relating to your immoral and dishonest ways will soon be published and, you are without doubt the 'lead' evil character. You are depicted as the crooked, despised and dishonest warden from the Shawshank movie, no less...

To dishonestly acquire an entire genre range of products, business and marketing models, and IP of every definition from Mario Ragusa's innovation, imagination, inspiration, and creation is unacceptable and unconscionable - but makes for a great book, so thank you for making this particular project venture possible.

In over 20 year's, it is clear your combined product offering is still highly and largely dependent on the original works by the original inventor, which you illegally obtained. Not surprisingly, there exists no R&D capability, in fact you have stunted all forms of Australian R&D and wasted tons of aluminium utilising your primitive manufacturing methods (read other sections for unbelievable revelations related to your wastage). 

The only additions to your shonky business is selling fittings and fixtures that anyone can get anywhere and other plagiarised ideas and products sponged by your managing muppet in Joseph 'Joe' Borg. Your company and everyone in it is disgusting and dishonest by virtue of your ugly culture. 

"From what we can ascertain, all marketing which is not of the original author's works is predictably substandard, pathetic and the work of low IQ degenerates. In fact, the entire project's evolution is a total disgrace, which is a reflection of your leadership and (lack of) know-how."

At IngenioCorp, we do things right and very different to yourselves. We're transparent. We're Honest. We're Ethical. We tell you what's coming up next. No surprises, no Lies, no Deception. With gloves off if you like. Have you, your crooked dad, Joe Borg and Peter Scarlett got a wild ride coming up this year!!!


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


"A copy of the published book will not be sent to you - you will have to purchase a copy. However, ALL your customers, suppliers and clients will definitely receive advance copies. It's not always your turn to be proud from other people's work"

A number of media organisations have expressed a strong desire to run our unique local Melbourne story. Without your unconscionable interference and, deplorable business dishonesty - this exemplary campaign would not have been possible. How the stomach turns!

Finally Ken, tell your crooked dad and two-faced Borg, this matter will never go away until IP and business justice has been done, and the industry at large is better informed of the truth behind the ugly story that you call - 'YOUR ' success. You are a pack of wolves, never to be trusted and the World MUST know.

IngenioCorp UK
Inventice Justice in the 21st Century

PS: Our transport hub in the UK will be given an ultimatum to 'black list' your company and products. We understand this awareness is well under way in Australia. FYI Rai has taken more than a glancing interest in our client.