
Saturday 7 January 2017

General Pneumatics Unit Trust Swindlers - Joe Borg & Ken, EddieThomas - Frauds & Cheats


The Truckmaster Filter Technology - Business & Patent Assignment - Fraud, Theft & Deception 

Creator and Inventor Defrauded


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Deceptive, Unconscionable & Unacceptable Business Conduct and Ethics by owners and directors of Redline Engineering in Mordialloc Melbourne Australia - and - General Pneumatics in Braeside Melbourne Australia.

'Best of' Comments...from Around the World

How betraying, dishonest, dishonourable cheats Ken Thomas and Joe Borg build a dynasty, bank over $35million by unconscionably thieving the business and, exclusive rights to an entire genre of innovative technologically advanced products' including...

"...patents, R&D studies, drawings, designs, supporting literature and operational manuals, artwork, logos, copyrights, trademarks notwithstanding established strategic business and marketing models, established distribution channels, national training material,
product management and and standing annual OEM supply sales orders..." defrauding Mario Ragusa the original and sole inventor of all Truckmaster Filter Systems, on highly contentious and fraudulent patent rights assignment documents. Kenny at Redline Engineering and Joe at General Pneumatics sure know a thing or two about deception, cheating and, all things Judas. I really hope they pay and suffer the consequences of their immoral actions. I found their greed, jealousy, bullying and IP rape totally repulsive. Keep me posted. Keen as...
Ing16 WA - USA 

Ken & Eddy Thomas of Redline Engineering had abundant finances and, as a consequence, the means to coerce the ignorant, dishonest and dishonourable (Joe Borg), bully (whoever was in their way) and abuse their position of power with the utmost arrogance and unconscionably take total control of all technology, business and copyright material - for a despicable and non-negotiable price of zero...Well, as disgusting as this sounds, the book will help explain what is wrong with this picture! I want to see these guys faces the moment their whole dishonest corrupt little world comes tumbling-down and implodes.
Ing66 Hag - Croatia 


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Please make these sick fockers pay... I interpreted it as vindictive nasty revenge and deplorable ethics because Mario Ragusa, the inventor of all R&D and designs wanted to manufacture HIS products at a 1/10th of the price as recommended by CSIRO, Austrade, Melbourne University and, every North American distributor and industry experts. The Thomas family of snakes that were manufacturing Ragusa's product under contract did not like this one little bit. This led to a premeditated, maliciously planned assault to defraud, corruptly thieve and dishonestly deceive the inventor. In doing so, they denied him any credit, assumed all rights and kicked him out the door. That's my take and I hate IP thieves.
Ing13 Hel - Finland 

Manuscripts I have received are a wonderful topic for us. This type of immoral, deceptive and fraudulent Intellectual Property rape and, total disregard for good business ethics WILL NOT go undetected and unexplained and, I find it shameless that anyone should benefit from corrupt acts of IP injustice. I agree all instalments on file to go viral through Jen and to promote the book intensely via our Chapters to create the awareness campaign Mario Ragusa deserves. These indecent bastards flew 'under the radar' for a very long time hoping this matter has gone away. Recently, our WA/Aus/Chapter investigative operators reported an arrogant confidence in the morally incomprehensible and, blatantly dishonest inference for credit to all inventions, copyrights, R&D and commercialisation. 

Notably, other credible sources have come forward and have witnessed too, continued defamation and damages of reputation to the original author, inventor, creator and innovator of all TruckMaster Filter Systems & Electronic Drain Valves - R&D, designs, patents, including integration of fluid mechanics technologies, literature, drawings, art and copyright.
Ing22 London - UK


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Posted feedback by a Chapter04 mystery-customer noted: as time went by these fraudsters continued to distort the truth, deceptively claim innovation credit and continued to discredit the original inventor of all products it now makes, sells and promotes by personal slander. 

IngenioCorp with the aid of 21st Century technology are in a perfect position to expose the gory details of the project heist, including the 'cunning of Ken-the Snake- Thomas, and how these products deceptively and dishonestly ended up with Redline Engineering's total control, despite entering the picture at the 11th hour, when all commercialisation, designs and OEM contracts secured were all established and complete. 
Ing14 Rh Is - USA

IngenioUK was made aware of these two 'sharks' back in 1999, and recently we observed increased activity to linked references indicating self-delusion, dishonesty and the hide to display pride and arrogance in their dishonest and criminal acts. Friends, clients, customers and the rest of the Aussie community will judge their unconscionable conduct and, one day soon perhaps, both found guilty of perjury, and perverting moral and legal justice...notwithstanding fraud, corruption and illegal corporation acts.
Hwen01 Edinburgh - UK

I will circulate to IP California no probs... they love a true auzzie story. You might be surprised how good the manuscripts really are..Shocked though how jealousy and declaration to inflict misery on the innovator/inventor can "almost" win the day. IP justice will prevail in today's world, if not least, the recognition, information and historical reference is true, correct and credited to the original creator and designer of all things General Pneumatics...Great IP training manual too. Love the part where Ken's only idea was a bicycle flag...and couldn't commercialise a chook-raffle"

KEN THOMAS & JOE BORG - Cheats and Liars 

Joe Borg, who is a pipe fitter was specifically designated as parts assembler, workshop tester and trainee field sales role in 1993 with regards to the TruckMaster technology project. A year later, this evolved into a technical field sales, when on-board testing at Safeway Australia was satisfactorily complete. Joe was credited for convincing the Waverley Depot workshop to test Truckmaster products on-road. The then, Australian Pneumatic Technologies (APT) the business and marketing arm of TruckMaster products - signed an exclusive agreement with Hendrickson Australia. APT began manufacturing the first batch of TruckMaster Filters products by sub-contracting...The Thomas family was no-where in the picture until a long time after this...but doubtlessly, a seed was sown in the minds of Eddy and Ken Thomas.

Since Ultima Tek subsidiary Air-Tek Int'l was founded in 1987 (not General Pneumatics in 1987 as their misleading websites claim), Joe, who had only ever been employed by the then, Victorian Railways Workshops in Newport Vic (as a fitter) was taught, mentored and educated every step of the way, on how to sell, present, plan, speak, code of conduct, ethics...etc by Mario Ragusa - the true inventor, innovator, designer and brains behind the TruckMaster Filter & Drain Valve technology systems and, associated business and marketing models. 


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Strictly, and due mainly to only intellectual, scholastic and learned constraints, this is the only role Joe was ever expected to undertake in R&D projects. He is a pipe fitter and, not the architect or, inventor as he often openly and proudly claims. There is no chemical engineering, scientific, physics or fluid mechanics in Joe Borg's background, capabilities or potential whatsoever...and neither did Ken or Eddie Thomas have any idea of the technology - who were in absolute awe of Mario Ragusa's drawings, designs, visualisations and innovation abilities. 

After reading a great deal about this, Ken and Eddie were selfishly craving product they could finally manufacture for themselves. As a premeditated step-one of their opportunistic seizure, but only after all the supporting copyright marketing material, business modelling (which included national parts distribution channeling and original equipment orders)...were all complete, Mario Ragusa was duly dismissed with nothing to show for 10 year's R&D work as creator, inventor and marketing genius. They even stole his car.

Obviously, the inventor was of no further use, particularly when he returned from a Nth American business mission, in order to explore a wide range of future options and opportunities. The resultant report, studies and expert opinions from a vast range of truck componentry overwhelmingly concluded that all products should be logically mass produced by radically alternative and extremely more economical means, rather than the current Redline machining method and, the disregard for more than 70% of the product's materials wastage . I do understand there are significant kickbacks from selling the 'wasted' aluminium, resulting in Redline to earn substantial amounts of 'black money' for Ken...but the way they went about it was like an infringement in human rights.

Their single-minded mission became 'how to get that patent assignment signed over to Redline for total control and, them to do as they pleased. To gain Joe Borg's co-operation to the corruption, deception, dishonesty, fraud and distrust that followed - without any moral conscience whatsoever - was easy, but in doing so, they made an appointment with an evil fate. I like this part of the v4.5 manuscript...
The research, development and inspiration of the Truckmaster Systems was preceded by the highly acclaimed Aero Kit Systems of the 1990s and not surprisingly, Mario Ragusa was the inventor, innovator and brains behind that technology too. All associated products' supporting literature, designs, configurations, copyrights and art...was also Mario's creation. The subsequent adaptation of the electronic drain valve, which was derived from Stemco Truck Products, tested in NSW, aesthetically redesigned and engineered and, adapted with an electronic solenoid with an in-built timer was also a Mario Ragusa innovation. Unfortunately, it was manufactured by Redline Engineering thieves who liked it that much, they didn't buy the company, they simply ambushed the lot for nothing through deception and dishonour...Not quite the Remington story I'm afraid...

Borg's role was strictly field sales, workshop testing, assembly, and parts procurement - from the day TruckMaster was invented" and not the architect, not the genius, not the managing director's bootlace, he has everyone believe. Ken Thomas obviously gifted him a flash title and increased wages for his support in the complicity to defraud Ragusa, and helping secure the manufacturing and vast income stream for Redline's greed and control.
Ing44 Man - UK

The final chapter ends with the international, national, local and community viral 'shame' campaign that is being planned right now"
Ing23 Ont - Can

Can't wait for full disclosure in the admin of GP Unit Trust...the purposefully bundled shares paperwork is classic bullying, coercing and harassment. Anyone of any business ilk knows that caper. Ken Thomas of Redline Engineering in Mordialloc, was definitely the greedy architect of all dishonourable strategies from all the chronological lists I've seen, overseen by his Daddy of course. Eddie Thomas (the old man) must have been so proud, it was like a crowning glory for the underachieving Kenny, who finally learnt how to do business the real Thomas way!!. Are these idiots for real?
Ing76 WA - USA 

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