
Sunday 7 August 2016

General Pneumatics - GP Truck Parts -Truckmaster Filter IP Theft - Money Laundering

Ken and Eddie Thomas, Joe Borg: 
The ATO, ASIC, ACCC and Federal Court will conduct their own investigations


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Money Laundering is a serious offence and carry severe penalties - just so you know...

How did a close friend of Joe Borg of General Pneumatics and GP Truck Parts turn $25,000 (of black money kept under his father-in law's house), and with the complicity of Ken & Eddie Thomas of Redline Engineering and Joe Borg turn it into ... $50,000 laundered, clean cash?   

Oh my God, DON'T YOU KNOW you may to prison for that guys!

Surely, this is highly illegal in Australia, and Ken & Eddie Thomas are accomplices and complicit to 'real' crime here. Joe Borg was the architect of the illegal transaction and did everything in his power to facilitate a criminal act with intent, that he thought would go away forever.

By doing so they were under the impression they could take control of the General Pneumatics Company and use proceeds of the IP held in that company to pay third-party loans for Joe Borg and his preferred creditors. All the while the rightful owner (Mario Ragusa) was unlawfully dismissed and left out of the picture altogether.


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


We just want you to remember well, the fraud & unconscionable conduct was just not worth the problems that now lie ahead.

As for Joe Borg, not only did he forge signatures to patent assignments, but the dishonesty and criminal conduct of the entire conspiracy is the only 'architecture' he is capable. Ken & Eddie Thomas so anticipated to secure total control of valuable IP, they dismissed the line they would cross and forever regret.

IngenioCorp - Inventive Justice For All
Edinburgh UK - Global Headquarters       

"Andy Dufresne crawled the length of 16 football fields of shit and crap, and came out clean the other end"
Morgan Freeman - Narrator - Shawshank Redemption 1994
Castle Rock Entertainment

"Deception and Dishonour Can Hold You Prisoner
Ultimate Moral Justice Can Set You Free"
Columbia Pictures - Shawshank Redemption 1994

New Book Available Soon - UK Review   

Based on a True Story about how Mario Ragusa - inventor, designer and creator of a multi-million dollar R&D commercialised invention, established national distribution networks, innovative marketing strategies and author of all copyright literature was fraudulently, corruptly, dishonestly and unconscionably deceived and dishonoured - and received nothing! 

A story of cruel, greedy people who organised a Theft and Deception with malicious and vindictive intentions to pervert the course of justice and denied the rightful ownership of IP and a million dollar business. The perpetrators Ken, Eddie Thomas and Joe Borg (who are very much alive and well, and still laughing all the way to the bank) will have summon the courage to face ultimate justice very soon..

Greed-is-good attitudes are so last Century. Violating AntiTrust Laws are OUT, Fraud and Deception is OUT, Whistleblower Laws are IN, Unlawful Removal is OUT, Fraudulent activity is OUT, Obstruction of Justice is OUT, Inequitable Conduct is OUT, Human Rights Commission is IN, Money Laundering is definitely OUT, Corruption is OUT, Misappropriation of Money is name but a few.

"A really clever book that must surely deter all future white-collar crooks for a long time. Do yourself a favour and read a great story of resilience and determination by the victim. It will become Highly Recommended Reading and worthy of a telemovie."


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Ken Thomas depicted as the greedy, corrupt, ruthless, malicious and remorseless 'Warden Samuel Hadley' of the 1994 movie Shawshank Redemption. Joe Borg is depicted as the betraying, double-crossing prison rapist - aptly named 'Bogs'.

About: Ken and Eddie Thomas are the cheating scoundrels from Redline Engineering Pty Ltd and General Pneumatics Pty Ltd both operating from Hinkler Rd Mordialloc                                

Joe Borg Managing muppet of General Pneumatics Pty Ltd operating from Crawford St Braeside and trading as GP Truck Parts.

Plot: Cheating, Lying, Fraud and Dishonesty - Does Not pay.


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


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