
Thursday 8 December 2016

Truckmaster Air Filter - BEWARE the Conman - Joe Borg

Met that Joe Borg joker a few times at Truck shows. Somehow, I suspected all along he was a BIG MOUTHED bullshit artist. Boy, can he talk crap! 

"He keeps telling unsuspecting people that the TruckMaster Filter is a dryer. Get a life. There are no desiccants or any other refrigerant material and by definition IT IS NOT a DRYER."

"Does he realise that he could inadvertently cause a massive recall if anyone complained they were misled by this lying scheming muppet. Might instigate it myself and bankrupt the lot of them"


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


If this guy is the manager of anything - I'm keeping away and telling my friends the same. Hate crooks!

I'll buy the book to support the victim of this theft and deception, and to support Ingeniocorp for sure. This idiot has more front than bloody Myer's Xmas windows here in Melbourne and has a nasty streak about him. I don't know exactly what, but he is shifty and hiding some dark evil past. 

Might let him have a piece of my mind and embarrass the ***hole when I next see him. From what I can gather he must be what we call in the bush - a DOG. 

I mean, where would he be today without the original inventors influence? Apparently, not even the Vic Railway workshops wanted him. It's damn impossible to get your marching orders from there. Go figure! 

From what I have learned so far and if justice is done, he will land in prison, God help him. 

You know what they do there to dirty rotten double-crossing scoundrels.

IngenioCorp - NSW Chapter AUSTRALIA

Friday 11 November 2016

Truckmaster Filter Patent Assignment Fraud and Unconscionable Conduct





                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Subject of Startling New Book:      
IP Theft & Deception in Mordialloc

Asking for a Date with Destiny!

When the instrument to gain control of Manufacturing, Distribution and Marketing Rights Worldwide for a lucrative TruckMaster Filter Patent Invention and there are two individual owners - 


Assignee One: Invests $25,000 (black-cash) made working as an electrician.


Assignee Two: Invests 10 year's research and development work, copyright production of all technical and marketing material, establish distribution channeling, invent and innovate all associated products and designs, invests $38,000 legitimate tax-paid life-savings and gives up a lucrative medical career 

Q. What is the logical, ethical and honourable thing to do for purchasing rights? 

Pay both parties equally, at worst case scenario you say!


Ken and Eddie Thomas owners of Redline Engineering (Mordialloc Vic) and Joseph 'Joe' Borg of General Pneumatics and GP Truck Parts (Braeside Vic) do without realising a date with destiny? 

They pay Assignee One with a laundered $50,000 'clean' cheque and forge a pertinent signature to a legal agreement. That's a serious crime from here to Istanbul folks!

Assignee Two is unlawfully removed and receives 'nil'

Questions Raised: If this type of dishonest culture embedded in the Redline Engineering, General Pneumatics and GP Truck Parts organisation has committed this type of unspeakable fraud and behaviour - one must ask, how often has this occurred before?

Further to the antitrust and other laws of the land treated with contempt, other third-party individuals are honoured and gain preferred and unlawful creditor status for Joe Borg loans in order to facilitate the fraud and complete the deception of this scam. !

"Is is little wonder Redline Engineering Manufacturing was on it's knees before Ragusa walked in and immediately solved
a massive problem...irrespective of the
enormous sales potential the technology presented in it's own right..."


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Boycott all products and business dealings with 

Redline Engineering, General Pneumatics and GP Parts in Australia 

Support Lawful Business Practices, Good Ethics, Honesty and Integrity Campaign against these business villains....Boycott them all

How anyone can have such contempt for the law, steal, cheat and deceive rightful owners of IP and multi-million dollar business is beyond comprehension. 

Whistleblower, Freedom of Information, Anti-Trust and Corruption Laws are stronger than ever. I pray justice will catch up with these thieves. ACCC and even the Human Rights Commission may get involved in this case. 

I have it on good authority that bullying, harassment, coercement and considerable pain and suffering has taken place here. 

Take no prisoners. I'm there with you! Money Laundering and Fraud are serious offences


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Sunday 7 August 2016

General Pneumatics - GP Truck Parts -Truckmaster Filter IP Theft - Money Laundering

Ken and Eddie Thomas, Joe Borg: 
The ATO, ASIC, ACCC and Federal Court will conduct their own investigations


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Money Laundering is a serious offence and carry severe penalties - just so you know...

How did a close friend of Joe Borg of General Pneumatics and GP Truck Parts turn $25,000 (of black money kept under his father-in law's house), and with the complicity of Ken & Eddie Thomas of Redline Engineering and Joe Borg turn it into ... $50,000 laundered, clean cash?   

Oh my God, DON'T YOU KNOW you may to prison for that guys!

Surely, this is highly illegal in Australia, and Ken & Eddie Thomas are accomplices and complicit to 'real' crime here. Joe Borg was the architect of the illegal transaction and did everything in his power to facilitate a criminal act with intent, that he thought would go away forever.

By doing so they were under the impression they could take control of the General Pneumatics Company and use proceeds of the IP held in that company to pay third-party loans for Joe Borg and his preferred creditors. All the while the rightful owner (Mario Ragusa) was unlawfully dismissed and left out of the picture altogether.


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


We just want you to remember well, the fraud & unconscionable conduct was just not worth the problems that now lie ahead.

As for Joe Borg, not only did he forge signatures to patent assignments, but the dishonesty and criminal conduct of the entire conspiracy is the only 'architecture' he is capable. Ken & Eddie Thomas so anticipated to secure total control of valuable IP, they dismissed the line they would cross and forever regret.

IngenioCorp - Inventive Justice For All
Edinburgh UK - Global Headquarters       

"Andy Dufresne crawled the length of 16 football fields of shit and crap, and came out clean the other end"
Morgan Freeman - Narrator - Shawshank Redemption 1994
Castle Rock Entertainment

"Deception and Dishonour Can Hold You Prisoner
Ultimate Moral Justice Can Set You Free"
Columbia Pictures - Shawshank Redemption 1994

New Book Available Soon - UK Review   

Based on a True Story about how Mario Ragusa - inventor, designer and creator of a multi-million dollar R&D commercialised invention, established national distribution networks, innovative marketing strategies and author of all copyright literature was fraudulently, corruptly, dishonestly and unconscionably deceived and dishonoured - and received nothing! 

A story of cruel, greedy people who organised a Theft and Deception with malicious and vindictive intentions to pervert the course of justice and denied the rightful ownership of IP and a million dollar business. The perpetrators Ken, Eddie Thomas and Joe Borg (who are very much alive and well, and still laughing all the way to the bank) will have summon the courage to face ultimate justice very soon..

Greed-is-good attitudes are so last Century. Violating AntiTrust Laws are OUT, Fraud and Deception is OUT, Whistleblower Laws are IN, Unlawful Removal is OUT, Fraudulent activity is OUT, Obstruction of Justice is OUT, Inequitable Conduct is OUT, Human Rights Commission is IN, Money Laundering is definitely OUT, Corruption is OUT, Misappropriation of Money is name but a few.

"A really clever book that must surely deter all future white-collar crooks for a long time. Do yourself a favour and read a great story of resilience and determination by the victim. It will become Highly Recommended Reading and worthy of a telemovie."


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Ken Thomas depicted as the greedy, corrupt, ruthless, malicious and remorseless 'Warden Samuel Hadley' of the 1994 movie Shawshank Redemption. Joe Borg is depicted as the betraying, double-crossing prison rapist - aptly named 'Bogs'.

About: Ken and Eddie Thomas are the cheating scoundrels from Redline Engineering Pty Ltd and General Pneumatics Pty Ltd both operating from Hinkler Rd Mordialloc                                

Joe Borg Managing muppet of General Pneumatics Pty Ltd operating from Crawford St Braeside and trading as GP Truck Parts.

Plot: Cheating, Lying, Fraud and Dishonesty - Does Not pay.


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Friday 8 July 2016

Truckmaster Air Filter by Mario Ragusa - Theft, Deception by Joe Borg & Ken, Eddie Thomas


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


I think the Shawshank Redemption movie to depict these 'nasty pieces of work' is an inspiration in itself. I simply cannot believe Joe Borg, was actually 'gifted' a half-share of the Truckmaster Filter Patent Rights and ETP-500 DumpMaster Valve by Mario Ragusa, it's inventor and designer, without any legal or moral obligation whatsoever, to do so. How this story eventually transpired into one of bitter betrayal, unconscionable greed, and remorseless theft - when Joe Borg conspired with the callous, calculating, scheming and thieving Ken and Eddie Thomas, is a legal and moral injustice, and the worst act of dishonour I have ever come across.

Ken and Eddie Thomas, the despicable dictators and masterclass architects of deception, fraud and deceit for control of Truckmaster and ETP-500 Ejector Valve products, IP and a multi-million dollar business is a combination of a deplorable and dishonest culture embedded within Redline Engineering Company. 

They corruptly, illegally, immorally and conveniently helped themselves to an established business with accomplished marketing and business models, and associated copyright and IP - with the complicity and back-up of the two-faced, backstabbing and devious Joe Borg. 

For a long time now, more than 20 year's in fact, and millions of dollars in earnings, the 'made-in-heaven' marriage of deceit of Joe Borg and Ken Thomas, has outlived that of many traditional bonds, by virtue of private deals, secret commissions, illegal kickbacks, guarantees and assurances. 

Hindsight is a beautiful thing, but I would have much preferred for Joe Borg to have got 'zilch' and be left suffering, living at his mother's house - with his wife - and without a job, future or money. 


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Notably, Mario Ragusa (the inventor and rightful owner of all inventions, products and IP) supported these ungrateful, shameless pigs (that's how they lived too) living rent-free plus all outgoings in the enviable surrounds of Derry and View Streets, Essendon. I do enjoy the attention to every detail in this compelling story. 

I suppose, this is why the book is going to be standard syllabus case-study reading for all business and legal students in the future. It sets many precedents and uncovers many anomalies.

Watch out for these thieves and villains. What you see is not what you get. Boycott for your own good. It ain't worth the agony later...
IngenioCorp - Inventive Justice For All 
       Edinburgh UK Chapter

A manuscript available in the Clouds - "Based on a True Australian Story"

"Andy Dufresne crawled the length of 16 football fields of shit and crap, and came out clean the other end"
Morgan Freeman - Narrator - Shawshank Redemption 1994 Castle Rock Entertainment 

Ken Thomas depicted as the greedy, corrupt, ruthless, remorseless and malicious Warden Samuel Hadley of the 1994 movie Shawshank Redemption. Joe Borg is depicted as the betraying and double-crossing prison rapist aptly named 'Bogs'. 

"Deception and Dishonour Can Hold You Prisoner Ultimate Moral Justice Can Set You Free"
Columbia Pictures - Shawshank Redemption 1994

About: Ken and Eddie Thomas are Common Thieves from Redline Engineering Pty Ltd operating from Hinkler Rd Mordialloc and General Pneumatics Pty Ltd based at Crawford St Braeside 


Joe Borg Managing Muppet of General Pneumatics Pty Ltd operating from Crawford St Braeside, Victoria Australia and trading as GP Truck Parts.

Plot: Cheating, Lying, Dishonesty and Dishonour - Does Not Pay


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


Tuesday 21 June 2016

Truckmaster made by Redline Engineering corrupt, greedy thieves and Joe Borg - NEW BOOK REVEALS ALL

Ken Thomas of Redline Engineering and Thief of General Pneumatics IP & Joe Borg Masterclass Cheat & Business Double Crosser


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


To: Ken, Eddie Thomas, Joe Borg, Lisa and Ken Stuart...
Subject: Shame on ALL of You...but it's coming back to bite YOU

Ken Thomas, you may have noticed by now, yourself, your crooked Dad, two-faced Joe Borg and your associated businesses (Redline Engineering, General Pneumatics and GP TruckParts) Products (Truckmaster Air Filter & Drain Valves) and IP (all related inventions, copyright material, art, designs...) have been the focus of increased monitoring activity, communication and scrutiny of 
IngenioCorp's 'Global Inventive Justice & Business Ethics campaign'

In our mission to create IP theft and Deception Awareness on an international, national, statewide, community and local level - we first seek extraordinary true stories supported by fact, history, and released to us in manuscripts ready for publishing. Your story is truly extraordinary indeed. WE love it. 

Ken, you, your thieving dad and Joe Borg must well remember that fateful moment frozen in time, where you consciously disregarded good ethical standards, honesty, honour and good moral behaviour - an error you didn't know would end up haunting you for the rest of your living days - and decided to 'pull the trigger' and execute your dishonest, unconscionable and fraudulent Truckmaster patent, and associated business and marketing model ambush - on Mario Ragusa, the true inventor and developer of all products that you now control, make and sell.

Well, you must agree, one must be extremely stupid, very naive, or just plain dumb to believe when you defraud a highly intelligent individual, inventor, innovator, developer and polymath. 

"that it wouldn't eventually come back to bite 'big time' at some stage of one's miserable lives"

Ken, Eddie Thomas and Joe Borg of the SHAM General Pneumatics Unit Trust we know your despicable behavioural profiles. We understand insatiable greed and total control of an invaluable IP business was a determinant factor for your contempt and disregard of the law, and your willingness to commit major fraud and money laundering to get it in your stable. 

However, it is your malicious dishonesty and complicity to IP and business injustices that are most disturbing. You had the cunning, opportunity, and means to defraud the inventor of all products you market, promote, manufacture and sell. 

Redline Engineering was on it's knees at the time but nothing can justify your actions of Theft, Deception and Fraud. 

"There is always a defining moment in history... and you crossed it long ago" 


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


In doing so Ken, your evil crooked father and dishonest two-faced co-conspirator in Joe Borg will surely become business villain anti-heroes in a revealing new book which will be mass marketed and officially launched in Melbourne. Multiple copies will be sent to ALL your customers to provide an insight into your maliciousness, and we are confident it will also be selected as obligatory syllabus reading material for all IP, law, commerce, accounting and business students everywhere.

There's plenty on Google, blogger and cyberspace about your tainted character, corrupt business conduct and unconscionable morals - with no integrity and a ugly dishonest culture and past. 

No doubt your Dad taught you that type of ugly unbecoming, false and deceptful conduct Ken, but we promise to beat that mentality out of your fucking system. 

Additionally, we are compelled to notify you,  an IP Theft & Deception book relating to your immoral and dishonest ways will soon be published and, you are without doubt the 'lead' evil character. You are depicted as the crooked, despised and dishonest warden from the Shawshank movie, no less...

To dishonestly acquire an entire genre range of products, business and marketing models, and IP of every definition from Mario Ragusa's innovation, imagination, inspiration, and creation is unacceptable and unconscionable - but makes for a great book, so thank you for making this particular project venture possible.

In over 20 year's, it is clear your combined product offering is still highly and largely dependent on the original works by the original inventor, which you illegally obtained. Not surprisingly, there exists no R&D capability, in fact you have stunted all forms of Australian R&D and wasted tons of aluminium utilising your primitive manufacturing methods (read other sections for unbelievable revelations related to your wastage). 

The only additions to your shonky business is selling fittings and fixtures that anyone can get anywhere and other plagiarised ideas and products sponged by your managing muppet in Joseph 'Joe' Borg. Your company and everyone in it is disgusting and dishonest by virtue of your ugly culture. 

"From what we can ascertain, all marketing which is not of the original author's works is predictably substandard, pathetic and the work of low IQ degenerates. In fact, the entire project's evolution is a total disgrace, which is a reflection of your leadership and (lack of) know-how."

At IngenioCorp, we do things right and very different to yourselves. We're transparent. We're Honest. We're Ethical. We tell you what's coming up next. No surprises, no Lies, no Deception. With gloves off if you like. Have you, your crooked dad, Joe Borg and Peter Scarlett got a wild ride coming up this year!!!


                     NEW LEGAL DUMP💥


"A copy of the published book will not be sent to you - you will have to purchase a copy. However, ALL your customers, suppliers and clients will definitely receive advance copies. It's not always your turn to be proud from other people's work"

A number of media organisations have expressed a strong desire to run our unique local Melbourne story. Without your unconscionable interference and, deplorable business dishonesty - this exemplary campaign would not have been possible. How the stomach turns!

Finally Ken, tell your crooked dad and two-faced Borg, this matter will never go away until IP and business justice has been done, and the industry at large is better informed of the truth behind the ugly story that you call - 'YOUR ' success. You are a pack of wolves, never to be trusted and the World MUST know.

IngenioCorp UK
Inventice Justice in the 21st Century

PS: Our transport hub in the UK will be given an ultimatum to 'black list' your company and products. We understand this awareness is well under way in Australia. FYI Rai has taken more than a glancing interest in our client.